Türkiye’nin en Büyük Biyografi ve Otobiyografi Sitesi

The Truth Of The Life Of This World

The Truth Of The Life Of This World

Yazar: Harun Yahya


Yayın tarihi:

ISBN: 9758415018

Sayfa sayısı: 212 sayfa

Kategori: İslam » Kültür
Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar » İngilizce


On of the major reasons why people feel a profound sense of attachment for life and cast religion aside is the assumption that life is eternal. Forgetting that death is likely to put an edn to this life at any moment, man simply believes that he can enjor a perfect and happy life. Yet, he evidently deceives himself. The word is a temporary place specially created by Allah to test man. That is why it is inherently flawed and far from satisfying man's endless needs and desires. Every attraction existing in the world eventually wears out, becomes corrupt, decays and finally disappears. This is the never-changing reality of life. This book explains this essential nature of life and leads man to ponder the real place to xhich he belongs, namely the Hereafter.